Lisboa, 2005
There once was a man who just couldn't cry. He hadn't cried for years and for years. Napalmed babies and the movie love story, for instance could not produce tears. As a child he had cried as all children will, then at some point his tear ducts ran dry. He grew to be a man, the feces hit the fan, things got bad, but he couldn't cry. His dog was run over, his wife up and left him and after that he got sacked from his job. Lost his arm in the war, was laughed at by a whore, ah, but sill not a sniffle or sob. His novel was refused, his movie was panned and his big Broadway show was a flop. He got sent off to jail; you guessed it, no bail, oh, but still not a dribble or drop. In jail he was beaten, bullied and buggered and made to make license plates. Water and bread was all he was fed but not once did a tear stain his face. Doctors were called in, scientists, too, theologians were last and practically least. They all agreed sure enough; this was sure no cream puff but in fact an insensitive beast. He was removed from jail and placed in a place for the insensitive and the insane. He played lots of chess and made lots of friends and he wept every time it would rain. Once it rained forty days and it rained forty nights and he cried and he cried and he cried and he cried. On the forty-first day, he passed away. He just dehydrated and died. Well, he went up to heaven, located his dog, not only that, but he rejoined his arm. Down below, all the critics, they loot it all back, cancer robbed the whore of her charm. His ex-wife died of stretch marks, his ex-employer went broke, the theologians were finally found out right down to the ground, that old jail house burned down. The earth suffered perpetual drought
Loudon Wainwright III
6 comentários:
Gostei das fotos, gostei do blog... vou voltar.
Morremos mentiras.
Baggio ...
como é que se põe um sitemeter num blog? Ajudas-me?
estou a tentar e não consigo, quero um novo espaço sem amigos, conhecidos e familia.
Quero um sitio para GRITAR à vontade o que me apetece
se peço ajuda aos amigos ...
fica tudo estragado...
pensei em ti, que talvez possas ajudar-me ...
O Sitemeter não conheço, mas os contadores de visitas devem funcionar todos da mesma maneira: abres uma conta, obtens um código que deves, depois, inserir no template do blog.
Eu uso o http://www.webstats4u.com/. Aqui é necessário fazer um "sign up". Obtem-se assim uma conta no webstats4u. Quando se associa um blog a essa conta obtem-se um código html. É só inserir esse código (seguindo as instruções) no template do blog e já está.
Para mais dúvidas usa o meu hotmail, se quiseres.
Consegui !!!
Merci Baggio :-)
e a quantidade de blogs que apareceram nos ultimos dias? Reparaste? E eu a sentir-me culpada por querer estar sozinha. Xiça!
Desta é que me vou.
Boa entrada no ano novo Baggio, no meio disto tudo és o único que se preza mas isso eu sempre soube.
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